Deadline: November 3 2024
The Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) is a vibrant and diverse network, established in 2016, involving around 26 women’s funds, environmental justice funds, 42 NGOs, and 460 women-led community-based (CBO) organizations, joining forces to strengthen the nexus of women’s rights, gender, climate, and environmental justice at local, national, and regional levels in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, Latin America, Europe and globally.
The Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) is seeking a consultant to develop case studies and analysis on the nexus of Conflict, Gender, and Climate. This consultancy will explore how conflict, gender injustice, and climate change intersect, focusing on Women Environmental Human Rights Defenders (WEHRDs) in conflict zones. The consultant will document solutions, best practices, and strategies implemented by women-led community-based organizations and provide recommendations to donors and policymakers on resourcing gender-just climate action in conflict settings.
The selected consultant will engage in participatory research from November 2024 to March 2025 and will present a final report with case studies and policy recommendations, accompanied by a skillshare with GAGGA partners and WEHRDs.
This consultancy should apply the FPAR Feminist Participatory Action Research methodology.
The research should be led by the women-led community-based organizations working on a case. In that sense, the consultant should determine with each women-led CBO how the research will be carried out under the general methodology of FPAR. Moreover, the actual definition of security, conflict, gender and climate of FCDO should be taken into account in order to analyze how the case study analysis can complement their definitions with the realities from the communities.
How to Apply
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