Deadline: 31st March 2025
The Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria (CHR) invites applicants for a Publications Coordinator and Doctoral Candidate (one position), for an initial one-year contract period, renewable for a total of three year depending on satisfactory performance and available funding. The salary/scholarship will cover tuition, accommodation and related expenses. The selected applicant must be able to start as soon as possible.
Publications Coordinator:
The CHR Publications Coordinator is responsible for the coordination, strategic direction and management of Centre publications. The Coordinator is expected to
- Provide leadership to the various Centre Units in developing strategic plans for publications
- Conceive of and develop new Centre publications to address contemporary challenges and opportunities
- Gather relevant materials to update the Centre’s African Human Rights Law Reports
- Consistently review and update all Centre publications
- Ensure that the Centre’s regular publications are up to date
- Edit the blog AfricLaw
- Liaise with contributors to Centre publications
- Ensure wide dissemination of all Centre publications through various open access platforms
- Ensure that all Centre publications are translated into relevant languages
- Liaise with the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, African Commission on Human and People’s rights and African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child in managing the African Human Rights Yearbook
- Conclude annual memorandum of understanding with the institutions; issue and ensure wide dissemination of the call for papers for African Human Rights Yearbook
- Coordinate contributions to the Centre’s African Human Rights Policy Papers (AHRPP) series
- Collaborate with Master’s students in Human Rights Clinics on developing publications linked to the mandate of the Centre
- Collaborate with the Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) in developing various Centre’s publication series including PULP Emerging Voices Series and PULP Commentaries on African Human Rights Law
- Continuously revise and update the Centre style guidelines; disseminate the style guidelines to all stakeholders
Doctoral Candidate:
The applicant will also pursue a doctoral degree on a topic related to human rights in Africa, with specific reference to one of the African Union’s human rights bodies.
Requirements for the position:
- Master’s degree in human rights or related field
- Qualification/experience in editing/proofreading of English texts
- Experience in working with the African human rights system
- Excellent command of English
Desirable for position:
- Experience in editing French, Portuguese or Arabic manuscripts
Application process:
Applications must contain the following:
- Letter of motivation, indicating how the applicant meets the requirements for the position
- CV, including the names of at least 2 references
- Academic record
- A brief proposal for doctoral studies (stating the research problem, the research question(s); methodology; and basic literature review)