Call for Consultancy – Advocacy Report “Women-led Organisations in humanitarian action” at Care International

Deadline: 01 July, 2024

CARE Deutschland e.V. is planning an advocacy report focusing on Women-Led Organisations (WLOs) in humanitarian contexts in the scope of a German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) funded project on the field implementation of the Call to Action on Protection from Gender Based Violence in Emergencies (CAFI). CAFI members are WLOs from various countries (Venezuela, Colombia, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Mali, Niger, DRC, and Libya (tbc)).
CARE Deutschland e.V. is looking for a consultant to design and write an advocacy report with primary data (interviews) and desk review with a participatory and inclusive approach to the report design, data collection and validation with CAFI members. The target group of the report are stakeholders in the humanitarian system.
The report aims to outline the role and challenges of WLOs in the humanitarian system, specifically in the sector of Gender based Violence in emergencies (GBViE) and contribute to the debate on localization and feminist foreign policy in the humanitarian context.

Scope and Deliverables:

  • • Ensure a feminist participatory and inclusive approach to research design, data collection and validation.
  •  Conduct interviews with WLOs (CAFI members in various countries, see above) and selected CTA signatories in donor countries and CAFI partner countries (remote online interviews or written questionnaires)
  • • Desk study of relevant feminist and humanitarian policy discourses
  • • Provide at least 2 feedback loops with CARE Deutschland and CAFI members on report draft
  • • Final report, English, maximum 15 pages, with executive summary and clear and target-group oriented recommendations and advocacy messages to be delivered at agreed date

Responsibility of Consultant:
In consultation with CARE Deutschland e.V. and selected CAFI members, the consultant is responsible for:

  • • Elaboration and clear definition of report question
  • • Elaboration of questionnaire/guiding questions for data collection
  • • Collection and analysis of primary data and desk study
  • • Communication and collaboration with CARE focal point and selected CAFI members for validation of research design and data
  • • Write up final version of report in English. 

Professional qualifications required:

  • – Proven in-depth knowledge and understanding of current discourses in humanitarian aid, feminist foreign policy, gender-based violence.
  • – Proven experience in writing advocacy reports and/or journalistic writing (e.g. blog, newspapers, magazines) desirable
  • – Previous proven experience in working with Women Led Organizations and networks.
  • – Previous proven experience in conducting interviews and qualitative data analysis.
  • – Previous experience and familiarity with GBV in Emergencies is desirable.
  • – Ability to work efficiently and effectively remotely (conducting interviews, feedback with CARE DE and CAFI members)
  • – Ability to integrate different experiences, methodologies, and approaches from a diverse range of stakeholders, organizations, and technical experts from multiple sectors.
  • – Experiences and commitment to feminist, intersectional and participatory research design
  • – Excellent knowledge of MS Office (especially Excel and word) and Skype, Zoom or MS Teams applications.
  • – Excellent speaking and writing skills in English is a must, French, Arabic and Spanish are a plus. 

How to Apply

Click here to Apply.